Friday, October 3, 2008

Living in My First

So this is the first blog.
it could be interesting  but then again it could be boring,
i'll let you be the judge of that.
I wanted one of these for a while i just didn't know where to find a legit blogging website
until now.
But i will be posting whatever is on my mind, pictures, videos, who knows maybe even my deepest darkest secrets haha.
Well it is one of the last days we have at home before we leave for the All Time Low, Mayday Parade, & Every Ave. tour. I just got done cleaning the van so it doesn't smell like big foot killed himself in it anymore. But anyway I'm really excited all the dudes in these bands are super nice and fun dudes. So I'm sure i will have some crazy stories to tell over the next 2 months. 
Well I'm going to chill with some of the dudes right now i will let you know how it goes tomorrow. hope all is well be safe world.